Here it is. The last day of 2013. It’s been a weird and challenging and amazing year and, I’m not gonna lie, I’m really glad it’s nearly over. A fresh start always feels good, and this time around I’m especially looking forward to something new and different.
The big question is, of course, how’d I do on my “30 things to accomplish (or start working on) in the year I turn 30″ list? Let’s see…
Definite successes:
- I had a baby and all was–and continues to be–well. Fat baby FTW.
- The whole family went to the beach and it was marvelous.
- We had our photos taken by the lovely Lydia and I am thrilled with how they turned out.
- My back and midsection are much stronger since I started belly dancing.
- I got a library card and use it pretty regularly.
- My sequined TOMS are possibly my most frequently worn shoes.
- Our house got a little more festive than usual around Halloween and Christmas.
- We have pretty things on our formerly bare walls (but the only photos I have are already outdated).
- My weekly menu planning includes quite a few new meatless meals that we all enjoy.
- I ate at five new-to-me restaurants: Essence Bakery, Liberty Market, White Chocolate Grill, The Living Room, and an Indian place with a great lunch buffet and whose name I forgot.
- I tried four new-to-me foods: fennel, ostrich egg, sauerkraut, and gooseberries. I need to swing by Sprouts this afternoon, so I’m gonna pick something else up to round out my five before midnight!
- I baked 30 cakes, two of which I will post about soon. And I ate waaaaay more cake than any one person ought to.
- I spent time with friends I hadn’t seen in ages and I’m so glad I did. This was one of my favorite goals to have accomplished this year, because man, I know some rad people.
- Mila got to play with friends more often, which has been good for her.
- The Mila Monday feature has been going strong for two and half years now with only a handful of skipped days.
- David and I started a new tradition of observing a spending fast during three paycheck months (more on that in the near future) but I’d hardly call that a family tradition.
- I didn’t get certified, but I did go scuba diving for the first time. David and I are working on solid plans to get our certification this year.
- I did learn to play something new on the piano, but I’m not very good at it. A halting, imperfect rendition of “Landed” is better than not trying it at all, though, so I’m proud of myself for trying.
- We planted a garden, which was the letter of the goal, but the spirit of it was never fully realized. I think we chose a poor location for it, because once it got really hot, everything just withered and died in the hot hot sun. We harvested three green beans and a handful of peas that were puny and sad, and we never even ate them. Alas.
- Mila’s bedroom–which is currently Margot’s room, as Mila is still in the white room–has been painted and cleaned up, but it’s hardly the cute girls’ room I’d envisioned. Yet. It’s a work in progress.
- A full cleaning schedule is still in the planning stages (by which I mean it doesn’t exist at all) but our weekly dish rotation is working really well. It’s a start.
- I made really good bread. And then I made just okay bread. Clearly I have more to learn before I feel confident in my bread-baking skills.
- I hosted two parties, which isn’t three but it’s more than I expected given all the obstacles I’ve been facing. I’ll take it.
- I attended a handful of local events but not many. Again with the obstacles–babies and anxiety and general busyness–BUT. Next year? Wait till you hear my plan for next year.
- Monthly svithes fell by the wayside, but I did write a few of them, so it’s not a total wash.
Not really successes at all:
- My feeble attempts to have regular family scripture study were few and short-lived. I’ll keep trying, though.
- Meditation happens virtually never at our house, but I know I’d benefit from a regular pause-and-breathe session. We’ll see how my daily life shakes out in the next few months and whether I can make time for that or not.
- The bookshelves are not painted. Not even a little bit. Someday.
- Last year’s cards never made it out and this year’s cards aren’t yet in the mail either. BUT THEY WILL BE. So help me, they will be. Maybe not till Valentine’s Day but I don’t even care.
- I decided I don’t even want to finish my “15 Ways” series because I realized I don’t like my mustard skirt that much anymore. That thing is getting donated soon and I don’t even feel bad about it.
I’m not surprised that I didn’t accomplish everything. I set myself up for an ambitious year, especially with a new baby coming. Given the adjustment from one baby to two, the perpetual home renovation projects, and the onset of anxiety/depression halfway through the year, this list could have really been a flop. But it wasn’t. Hooray!
Although I didn’t mention it much, I also had my word-of-the-year at the back of my mind throughout 2013. It was brave. And I honestly think I was braver this year. I tried some things that scared me, I stepped WAY outside of my comfort zone, I opened up about some personal issues, and my efforts have paid off. I’ve met some great people who I now consider to be great friends, and I have some fantastic memories of things I would never have tried if I hadn’t pushed myself.
All in all, I’m proud of myself. 2013 wasn’t easy, but it was good. And 2014? You better watch out, because I’ve got plans for 2014 and it’s going to be uh-MAY-zing.
This whole post made me happy. It seems like 2013 was really good to you, even with the obstacles. Or maybe that's what made the good parts so good? Either way, you're pretty dang awesome and I'm sure glad we're buddies. The end.
It was. I got a fat baby out of it, and you know I'm not complaining there!
I am also glad we're buddies. Isn't the internet wonderful like that?