The girls and I went for a walk around the Gilbert temple yesterday.
We found a whole bank of what I’m pretty sure is pineapple sage (but I’m not 100% sure) on the north side. Margot climbed on her belly up and down the shallow steps, Mila skipped and danced, and I took pictures of flowers.
It was sooooo hot but really nice to be out in the sunshine for a bit. And the girls–especially Mila–love seeing the temple and talking about when Mama and Daddy got married.
I’m sure the chicken nuggets we brought along didn’t hurt either.
Maybe it’s because I’ve got marriage on the brain these days, but I’ve seen a surprising number of marriage-related things on the interwebs this week.
First, this post on A Cup of Jo was eye-opening to me. Why aren’t comedy marriages more balanced? Good for Seth Rogen’s wife for pointing it out and helping him make a change.
Two videos from Buzzfeed: Stupid things we fight about (anyone else totally relate to the “what to have for dinner” bit?) and why you probably don’t want to marry a Disney prince in real life.
A couple of my friends have also written about marriage lately and I love seeing all the love for love! You should check out both Ariana and Ali‘s posts…they’re quick but sweet reads.
In completely un-marital news, these booties and these flats from Old Navy have me biting my bottom lip in consternation. Twenty five bucks for a pair of shoes isn’t a huge commitment, but would I actually wear them? I’m such a wuss. Somebody convince me one way or the other.
Sunday is our actual anniversary. We’ll be spending it at church! And meetings! And with David’s family! So romantic!
Actually we do have some fun plans for the weekend which I’m excited to share with you, so watch for Monday’s post. It’ll be more than just pictures of my kids, I promise. See you then!
You would rock those booties, Jen. DO IT.
I'm tempted but still unconvinced. I should probably go try them on and see how I feel about them.