My computer is having some issues. And by issues, I mean it’s in about a billion tiny pieces. Maybe not quite a billion, but when computer guts are involved does it matter how many there are?
Point is I don’t have Mila Monday up for you today because, well, that. It’s a bigger bummer than it might normally be because I was going to share a recipe for a raspberry cake that is deeelicious. Hopefully we’ll be back to normal so I can post that on Wednesday. Fingers crossed.
I do have another marriage interview set up for tomorrow and one for Thursday, so even if I’m not able to share new Jen content, you still get to enjoy two great guest posts this week. Hooray! Thank goodness for guest bloggers and scheduled posts!
Prayers for my sad laptop and for my engineer husband who will be reassembling it soon, and hugs all around!
Gahhh!! The thought of my computer in pieces gives me hives. I hope it's put back together again soon!
I'm trying so hard not to look at or think about it, but I feel so helpless without it! Oh, technology. I can't live with or without you.