I never got around to posting a May update on my list-o-goals, so you get a two-for-one today. And I know there are still several more days in the month, but tomorrow is a bloom day and I’m out of town. Indulge me.
Reach out to my friends: I’m terrible at keeping in touch with people I don’t just run into regularly, so I think maybe I need to make more friend dates. I had dinner with my friend Emily this month for the first time in ages, and it was really good to catch up. Anyone want to schedule lunch in July?
Purge my closet: I never mentioned it, but I made a massive trip to a local thrift store drop-off. All the clothes and shoes I have been hanging on to for reasons I can’t remember now are gone…along with a bunch of kitchen stuff I never use, an old vacuum, and a ton of baby clothes. I’m not totally done cleaning things out in there, but it’s SO much better. I actually wear most of the things I see hanging up now!
Figure out and resolve my health issues: I really need to dedicate an entire post to this, but here’s the nutshell version: I don’t have a thyroid issue, my old doctor disappeared, and my new doctor seems cool.
Learn to play the ukelele: Since Mila got a “luke-ee-lay-lee” for her birthday I’ve actually picked up a few chords! Yay me! I’d like to get a nicer ukelele for myself (hers isn’t super high quality, which is perfect for a toddler but not great for me) so I can keep working on that.
Bake something new each month: In May I turned to an old favorite, Mel’s Kitchen Cafe, for some new recipes. Her oatmeal peanut butter chocolate chip bars were delicious, but her yellow cake fell a little flat for me. Literally. It tasted good but wasn’t very pretty. In June I kind of flaked out on baking. To be fair, though, my kitchen is a disaster and I’m not entirely sure which ingredients are in which boxes. July will be better.
Try five new-to-me restaurants: David and I went on a date to El Zocalo in downtown Chandler, where he had the best carne asada either of us had ever tasted and I regretted not getting the chimichanga. We need to go back. We also hit up Sandella’s Flatbread Cafe a couple times. Once I got a quesadilla and once I got a flatbread pizza thing; both were delicious. I also really liked the Brazilian sauce that comes with the sweet potato fries. More than anything, their menu is inspiring me to try some new things with my own cooking, and I love that.
Try five new-to-me foods: Remember the fonzy melon? That post has brought in an insane amount of traffic to my blog. Evidently there is a dearth of information on the fonzy. Such a shame, because it is delicious. You hear that, people googling “fonzy melon”? IT’S DELICIOUS GO EAT ONE RIGHT NOW
Remodel the kitchen: Well…it’s happening. I’m not crossing it off quite yet, on account of we still have a long way to go, but it is happening.
Move the girls into the pink room: We actually had to go back on this one and put Margot back in her own room. Sometimes she needs to cry it out, and that wakes up Mila, and when Mila gets going she turns hysterical very quickly, and it was just too stressful. Maybe they can share when they’re a little older, but for now, since we have the space, there’s no harm in letting them have their own rooms.
Find a new dresser for the girls: Done! It was literally the worst thing I’ve ever had to assemble in my life. I probably would choose something different next time because it is not high enough quality to justify all the pain and suffering I went though to put it together. But it looks nice and is better than what was there before. And honestly, after finally putting the girls’ clothes away (their stuff has been living on top of my dresser for like two months) I’m not too mad at the thing. It’ll do.
One of these days I’ll take you on an updated photo tour of the pink room. It’s not finished but it’s sure looking better than it did when we moved in. (Here’s a reminder, in case you had forgotten. Sorry not sorry.)
Post a monthly think piece: May’s was all about feeling at peace, and June’s was all about feeling crazy, and that is the wonderful dichotomy that is my life right now. Somehow I’m making it work.
Contribute to my side projects: Tipsaholic is still (unfortunately) on the back burner for me, but The Beesley Project is going strong. I especially enjoyed writing this and this.
Knocking stuff out left and right, y’all. Not perfectly, but I’m feeling good about the progress I’ve made. And July is going to be all about one goal in particular. Hint: it’s not the kitchen, although that will be ongoing too. Stop by next week to see what’s up.
I'll be in town on the 2nd, just saying… 😉
So call me maybe? 🙂