It’s not, really. I’m just out of practice. I used to keep an editorial calendar of post ideas and plans. Photo shoots–in special cases, with a photographer, but more often just me and my camera–were a regular part of my schedule, so I always had plenty of images on hand for whatever I wanted to write. What’s hard is blogging on the fly.
Now that we have an Instagram account for the Defender, David and I have wondered if we should start a newsletter or blog or something to help us build a community there. It’s been a fun project as is, and could be even more fun to expand it. We’ve got plenty of ideas. What we lack is plenty of time and motivation. Because…why? What would we be trying to accomplish? And would it even make sense to make it an extension of this already existing space, or would it be smarter to start something separate?
It’s also tempting just to go back over the unblogged times and recap them, month by month. It would be pretty easy. I’ve got notes in my planners and plenty of Instagram posts to help me remember. But again…why? If it’s documented elsewhere, do I need to duplicate that here? I could go more in depth, and it might be nice, but would it be worth the effort?
And then I start wondering why I’m blogging again at all. It starts getting weird and nihilistic and spirally and not very helpful.
Since I clearly have no clue what I’m doing, here’s a cute picture of my kids.

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