In the last few months I’ve heard or read a handful of people casually say something like, “My spiritual gift is [fill in the blank].” Every time, it stuns me.
I believe in gifts of the spirit. Both those listed in 1st Corinthians 12 and those not explicitly named in scripture. I believe everyone has them, or at least has the opportunity to be given them. And I believe people can seek certain gifts and ask for them and practice to develop them.
But the thought of publicly claiming any one gift as mine feels extremely bold.
It wouldn’t surprise me, though, if that’s just my own faith tradition talking. Maybe it’s common in some denominations to identify or claim a spiritual gift when you’re young? How do you even ask about that, though? It feels so personal and intimate, that I’d be uncomfortable saying, “Hey, person, what’s your spiritual gift and how and when did you figure that out?” Which may also be my own background. I have to wonder if, among other Christians, gifts of the spirit are discussed more freely and with less…reverence? awe? I don’t even know the right word.
And how do you know the difference between a talent or aptitude and a true spiritual gift? Does it matter? I suppose if you’re using your natural abilities to serve and uplift others, even if it’s not technically a gift of the spirit, it would certainly be sanctioned and supported by the Holy Spirit. So does that turn a normal “gift” into a spiritual one?
Clearly I have some studying to do. And should probably try harder to sort out what, if any, spiritual gifts I have, and what I ought to be doing with them.

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