I’ve tried to take monthly photos of Luke. Tried being the key word. Some of them were a little delayed. (Sometimes more than a little. More like a couple weeks. Oops.) And even though I took them, I didn’t edit very many of them. They just sat on my computer, all dark and grainy.
So last night I turned on a podcast and edited some of them. This boy. He is so cute.

And much I prefer older babies in general, I kind of miss when he was less mobile and easier to heft around. These days he is less of a snuggly baby and more like a small, very determined monster truck. How is he almost one already? That seems impossible.

At any rate, I’m really glad I took these, even if some of them aren’t great quality or were taken well after his month “birthday.” It’s easy to forget how quickly they grow and change, so it’s nice to have a chance to look back.
As babies go, he is definitely top notch.

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