Another long overdue post! Gotta love blog housekeeping. And, so you don’t get bored, some photo outtakes. (Lest you assume we always look happy and fantastic, WE DON’T.) Without further ado, the state of the union list:
Go to the beach as a family: Check and check.
Take updated family photos: I’m thinking about having professional ones done this fall when Margot’s less of a slug, but these‘ll do for now.
Strengthen my core: For a while I was doing crunches and things while Margot had tummy time. Neither of us liked it much, but we persevered. And truthfully, I was seeing a difference. We both still had squishy bellies (hers is much cuter than mine), but her head and neck are much stronger, and my posture was improving, which was my real objective. Note that this is all past tense. I stopped, because of reasons, and my progress has all been lost. Time to get back on that horse I guess.
Finish Mila’s bedroom: It’s painted! Curtains are hung! The quilt is still mostly in pieces and I have a whole list of things to do, but we’re making progress.
Incorporate more vegetarian meals into my repertoire: I’ve made Spaghetti Squash Alfredo twice now. The first time we had it David said it was the best way he’s ever had spaghetti squash. Mila and I liked it too. I used this recipe as inspiration but just made my usual thrown-together alfredo sauce.
Try five new-to-me foods: We gave fennel a shot and decided we are not impressed.
Bake 30 cakes: In three months I only made a vanilla cake with strawberries and meringue, a second, different yellow cake with chocolate frosting, a Ding Dong cake for my dad, and a s’mores cake that was almost a disaster. Clearly I bake less frequently when a) I have a newborn to tend and b) it’s a million degrees outside. I’m gonna have to really crank stuff out this fall if I want to meet my goal.
Host three parties: Mila’s birthday and Margot’s blessing day gave us a reason for a small family celebration. I’m counting it.
Make more playdates for Mila: Yup.
Finish my “15 Ways” series: I finally have recent photographic evidence that I wear my mustard skirt. I just need to put it in rotation more often…and then bust out the camera when I do.
Svithe at least once a month: I dropped the ball in May but June’s svithe can be found here and July’s is here.
The year is more than halfway over, my friends. I’ve gotta get crackin’!
That last picture of you with the parrot is fantastic, I really want to squish Margo's cheeks, and Mila is adorable as always. Also, I should probably comment on your blog more often considering how much I stalk it. 😉
Yes please! I heart blog stalkers!