To the people who wander the halls during Sunday meetings:
If you aren’t even going to attempt to sit through sacrament meeting, Sunday school, or priesthood/Relief Society (whichever the case may be) why do you even come to church?
Because after not coming to church for a few weeks, then not being able to attend more than a few minutes of most meetings for several months, I’ve been thinking about why I even come to church. And I’ll tell you this: it’s not because it’s easy or because I want to socialize.
So seriously. Why do you come to church if not to be at church?
shirt: J Crew / skirt: Banana Republic / boots: Nordstrom / belt: Gap / tights: Target / skirt pin: US Diplomatic Secret Service (The Commies can’t have prime hip real estate EVERY time I wear this skirt. That hardly seems fair.)
My guess is that you come to church because if nothing else, it takes some effort to get there. Some effort is better than none, if not as good as total effort.
I'm guessing/hoping that you still come out of a hope that even though you can't go to or stay in all the meetings you'd like because of Mila, you can still be blessed for trying. Am I close?
I suppose. Although I tend to believe putting forth the effort is just a habit for most.
As for me? I go because I need it. The peace. The spiritual high. Even though it's exhausting and frustrating and I'm starting to really dislike Sundays (for lots of reasons) I go because if I don't I might fall apart. And wouldn't I be an ungrateful wretch if, after receiving the most glorious answer to prayer I've ever received, I didn't at least attempt to worship on Sundays?
I don't like Sundays. And I don't like church. I teach Gospel Doctrine, so I don't get to relax until that's over. And then a lot of times, I have to leave during Relief Society so I can get to my retail job that I need to have so we can pay bills and not starve. My ward is weird. People constantly say thoughtless, racist, sexist things and they won't get off my case about when I'm going to finally have a baby. Then I have to come home and do a lesson plan for my Monday class. I ask myself this question every week and the only answer I have is this: I go to church so that I don't have to feel guilty when I don't go.
Hopefully, there will be another reason someday.
I know this is an old post, but I just read it.