As you can see, I wore a white skirt and heels today, mostly because I had no plans to be anywhere or do anything. I figured I wouldn’t have to walk much in (or really wear) the heels, and if the skirt got dirty Amelia was the only one who would see it.
Lydia invited us on another adventure, this time to the Desert Botanical Garden. Who am I to say no to checking out the monarch butterflies and agave yucca forest? Plus we got to see these guys again, and I never got around to posting pictures of them last time. Behold: GIANT WOODEN BUGS.
A lady bug.A grasshopper.
An enormous daddy long legs.
(The color on that shot is un-retouched, by the way. The sky was really that blue. GORGEOUS.)
And an assassin bug.The photos I took of the praying mantis, dragonfly, spider, and the rest are lost somewhere on my computer. Alas. It’s a pretty awesome exhibit.
And the assassin bug? I’d never heard of one before. Apparently it’s also known as a kissing bug. We puzzled over that one for a bit–assassin bug = kissing bug? Weird.–but then Lydia figured it out. Basically it’s the dementor of the insect world.
Incidentally, I was worried that I was a fool for wearing heels to the Botanical Garden. But it wasn’t that bad really. And fool or not, I’m that committed to my 30. So there.
shirt: J Crew / cardigan: Express / skirt: Paris / shoes: Famous Footwear
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