Remember these guys?
They’re still around. Or at least the one on the right is. The tiny one is a tangerine, and it got eaten shortly after its blog debut. And the one on the left? Well…let me explain.
See, we neglected to carve them for Halloween, so we thought maybe we’d carve them for Thanksgiving. That didn’t happen. So then we thought about carving them for Christmas. You know, with reindeer or holly berries or a full on nativity. Something festive.
Christmas came and went and still the pumpkins were happy and whole. By the time New Year’s rolled around they had become a fixture in our living room and a bit of a running joke. Visitors asked where we’d managed to find pumpkins in February, which was amusing. We started speculating about how long they would last before we had to toss them out.
Then we noticed a spot.
On the backside of one of the pumpkins, there was a suspicious looking circle. And the circle grew. Within a few weeks, several similar circles–some sporting dark holes in the center–had spread across the pumpkin’s skin. I started getting nervous. Maybe the holes meant some kind of bug had burrowed into the thing, reproduced, and the colony was just biding its time before bursting out in a freaky swarm to usher in the apocalypse.
(Have I mentioned that pregnancy makes me a little neurotic and irrational? Yeah…)
ANYWAY. Long story short, tonight David noticed that the pumpkin had acquired a white toupee at some point in the last 24 hours. So we took it out back to finally put it out of its misery.
This is what it looked like:
And a closeup for your viewing pleasure:
Surprisingly, the insides were mostly unscathed. No mold. No rotting seeds. At least from what I could see from my safe vantage point behind the camera.
David was determined that the pumpkin should live out its destiny and become a jack-o-lantern. He worked quickly and it turned out quite simple, but I think it was pleased with its makeover.
Adios, pumpkin. It’s been fun hanging out with you for the last 6 months.
Love the make over. I think it makes him look younger.