It’s been a minute. I always like making a gratitude list this time of year, and I figured why not here? Maybe I can do some looking back, thankful recap type posts. Maybe.
Today I am thankful for children with small expectations and easy joy. They were so happy with minimal trick-or-treating last night. They were all thrilled with their costumes, which varied in complexity and accuracy and homemade-ness. When they sifted through their candy, they generously shared with each other. “I know this is is your favorite, so you can have it.” I don’t know what, if anything, we’ve done to cultivate their good attitudes, but boy do I like reaping the benefits.

Which, this year, includes a pile of Snickers and Reese’s (because none of them care for peanuts or peanut butter) and a bunch of photos from a silly family photo session I threw together the week before Halloween.

I am also thankful for photographer friends who are up for last minute shenanigans and a husband who is a good sport when I ask him to wear a pumpkin on his head. There’s no explaining it, but I found him very attractive in this moment. (It’s weird, IT’S FINE don’t worry about it.)

Finally, I am thankful for cheap bedsheets, dry pumpkin interiors, and shower caps, without which none of these photos would’ve been possible. Those are the real MVPs, amen.

All photos are by Alexis Kaye Photography
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