Over the weekend we drove out to a creek that David knew of and were shocked by the number of people already there. He thought it’d be secluded, since it’s farther off the main road than some other spots, but alas. Seems like everyone is trying to escape these days. Judging by my social media feed, some are doing it more cautiously than others, but that’s not a conversation I’m ready to have.
At any rate, our plan for running away seemed to be a popular one. Lucky for us, everyone else more interested in floating around at some of the deeper swimming holes, which meant the shallows nearest the parking lot were completely empty. We had the place all to ourselves.
(With the notable exception of the biggest spider I’ve ever seen in the wild. *shudder*)

It was good to be away. Away from the news, away from our little house, away from the mess of it all.
I wish we could run away for real. But where would we go? It’s not like we could actually escape the pressure of work & school & bills & pandemic. Not forever, anyway.

Maybe for a little while though? A girl can dream…

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