Well…one grandpa anyway. He still hasn’t met David’s dad. Which I hate.
I hate that it took over a month for him to meet my parents. I hate that almost nobody but the people in our house have seen him in person, let alone held & snuggled him. If I think about it too long I cry so we’ll look at these pictures instead.
Because just look:

What is it about my boys and my dad? They love each other so much.

And I can’t even deal with this chubby boy in these strong hands.

Maybe this was not the best way to keep myself from getting all weepy. Because COME ON:

I’m still disappointed we weren’t able to have someone take pictures of the kids meeting Luke or do a newborn photo shoot or anything formal (or with me in it), but I’m so happy I took these while they visited a couple weeks ago.

My heart. It’s leaking out my eyes. It’s fine.

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