And it’s going smoother than I expected.
As the youngest (till now) he’s definitely spoiled. He “needs help” to do everything. Even things he’s done a hundred times before. If he doesn’t want to do something we ask him to do, he just ignores us. He gets his way all the time simply because none of us want to deal with his whining. He’s sassy. He’s clingy. He’s adorable and affectionate and so sweet when he wants to be, and we love him to pieces…but he’s also very four.
If you know, you know.

I just assumed he’d struggle with having a new baby in the house. He’s very possessive of me, so I thought he’d be jealous and resentful of how much of my attention the baby gets.
Instead, Ryan has been as adorable and affectionate and sweet toward Luke as he is with the rest of us. I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am.
He wants to hold the baby as often as I will let him. He smothers him with kisses. He tries to give him toys and tells me all the time, “I really wish Lukey could talk.” I think he’s anxious to have another playmate instead of just a potato who coos at him sometimes.

Anyway, it’s been a remarkably smooth transition and I’m grateful.
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