Merry belated Christmas and happy belated new year!
I don’t have any photos or stories from either holiday to share. Today is David’s birthday, though, and I’ll definitely share some cake photos + details later this week.
But let’s be real here. I haven’t posted (other than podcast show notes) since Ryan’s birthday two months ago. And I haven’t cared. Much.

If you listen to my podcast, you know that, for the the moment at least, I’m stopping most of my online “work.” No more podcast. Very little blogging. I’m even unsubscribing from all the sponsored + gifted content emails I get because, frankly, I don’t want to feel obligated to share people’s stuff just because it’s free to me.
I’m stepping away from anything that makes me feel like I’m behind, like I need to create more and share more and take advantage of ALL the opportunities.
Which means I’m letting a lot of things go. I don’t hate it so far.

Last week I took the kids out to a local nature preserve. The day was beautiful and my kids were so happy to explore. After a couple months of mostly being holed up inside–either sick or battling lice or doing all the last minute holiday things or trying to write + record–it felt SO GOOD to just be outside. No plan. No agenda.
We even went out for frozen yogurt afterward.

Despite my ambivalence about moving away from my online work, I feel really good about the opportunities that opens up.
I can dabble in some other creative things. I will have more time to read and study some things that have piqued my interest lately. Most of all, I can be more present with my kids and do more of this kind of thing.

I feel like Ryan especially has gotten the short end of the Mama stick. Both of the girls got to go on little adventures, take classes, and do all kinds of fun things with me before they started school. But Ryan hasn’t. I’m excited for us to do more things together, just the two of us, without looming deadlines giving me anxiety (even if the deadlines are just self-imposed).

I still don’t know what this year holds. A few family things in the summer, but otherwise it’s wide open. That’s scary to me, but also such a relief and kind of exciting.
So if I’m not around very much in 2019, you know why. I’m being present in my three-dimensional life with my people. Breathing. Resting. Living.
It feels good.

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