Guys. This trip. It came up fairly unexpectedly, came together quickly, and came at the perfect time. There is so much I want to share with you, so much to process. My soul is full and my mind is racing in a million different directions. It’s good. It’s really really good.
We’ve mostly settled back into a family routine; I was SO happy to see my babies after 10 days away! Laundry has been washed + folded + put away. Groceries have been acquired. Life is back to our delightfully boring normal.
Blog-wise, though, I’m struggling a bit. I had plans to get another Summer On Purpose post up on Tuesday but obviously that didn’t happen. I’m shooting for Friday instead, plus I’ll be skipping next week because of the holiday and a family reunion. I have a few other posts planned but not yet written that I hope to get up this week and next. Between jet lag and, you know, life…we’ll see.
And travel posts? That’s where I’m especially stumped. I could just do a massive photo dump of every enormous church we visited. (Spoiler alert: WE VISITED A LOT OF CHURCHES.) Or I could do more in-depth travelogues, with links to places we went to and price points and suggestions and such. I don’t really want this one (admittedly amazing) trip to take over the blog for the foreseeable future—I’ve got other things to write about too, y’know—but I also want to do it justice.
Because it’s more than just photos and tourist attractions. I had some Experiences that led to Thoughts and Feelings, and while some of them are too precious to write here, others are begging to be written + shared.
If I’m slow getting Europe posts up, that’s why. I really want to do this right and it may take a minute to figure out what that will look like.
Other than beautiful, of course. Because, oh! It sure was!
I cannot wait to hear about it! I want to know your Thoughts and Feelings!
I am excited to hear about your adventures!!
yaaay! I cannot wait to hear/see/absorb all about it!