What to say about my firstborn on her birthday?
At age six, Mila is such a good big sister and friend. She’s patient, helpful, and (sometimes with a little prompting) so willing to include her siblings in her games. She is lavish with praise and quick to share. It’s pretty rare to find someone she doesn’t get along with. Nothing makes her happier than writing notes or making little presents for people she loves.
Like David, she has a knack for making things. Whether she’s working with LEGOs or beads or paper or whatever other material she can get her hands on, she’s got endless creativity and will happily build, draw, cut, and rearrange for hours. Like me, she’s social but also craves alone time. What amazes me is how self-aware she is. When she needs some time to herself, she tells us and we try to accommodate; when she misses her friends, she makes plans.
We’re still working on informing adults before inviting friends to a party.
She asked me recently, “Mom, what’s a self-starter?” (We listen to Hamilton a lot…) I explained that it’s someone who notices that something needs to be done and takes care of it without being told. After mulling on that for a while, she started picking up her room. Ever since that brief conversation, she’s made a point of trying to be a self-starter. It’s marvelous.
But that’s typical of Mila. Once she learns something, it becomes part of her. And she always wants to learn more. She asks the most fascinating questions and remembers everything. She’s a clever one, that’s for sure.
Lest you think she’s a quiet, contemplative child…she’s not. When she is in a goofy mood, there is nobody more silly and obnoxious. Knock knock jokes, yelling and singing in jibberish, and calling things by the wrong name are her favorites. Most of the time I don’t get her humor, but boy howdy if she doesn’t think she’s hilarious! Truthfully, her fashion sense has me feeling pretty grateful for school uniforms. But I love how comfortable she is being herself, even when that is loud and wild and weird.
Oh, you beautiful little weirdo. I love you more than all the ice cream in the world.
Photos by Photography Hill
She seems like the smartest little girl. And that party story still makes me crack up just thinking of it.
She’s brilliant and it’s terrifying in the best way possible.
Happy Birthday, dear girl! May you continue to grow up and stay 100% your charming, weird-o, delightful self!