I feel bad for not posting this on (or at least closer to) her actual birthday, but life was a leeeeetle bit crazy there for a hot second. I’ve been overscheduling things and blogging hasn’t been a priority. This girl, though?
Always at the top of the list. And a couple weeks ago she turned four! Can you believe it?
All she wanted this year was a party with friends and some cake. So we invited over a few of her buddies from preschool and church, turned them loose in the backyard for a bit, opened presents, snacked and ate cupcakes, and generally wore the birthday girl (and her mom and little sister) right out. It was great.
Mila has been such a joy to be around lately. Three was a challenging age, but four is shaping up to be fabulous.
She loves to help by making her bed, cleaning up messes, fetching things for me, and can’t wait until she is big enough to do the dishes. (No, I did not plant this ambition in her impressionable mind, but I’m sure not discouraging it!)
Her sister is her best friend. They play so well together these days, dancing and jumping and building forts and having pretend parties and coloring pictures. I never get tired of watching them enjoy each other’s company.
Mila is REALLY good at doing puzzles, loves to build elaborate structures with her Magna-Tiles, and wants to be a cowgirl and a doctor when she grows up. Just in the last few months she has become surprisingly–and pleasantly!–generous with hugs, kisses, and compliments. A recent favorite? “Moms are better than chocolate!” My grinchy heart grew three sizes that day.
She is expressive and articulate and remembers ev-er-y-thing. She is cautious but brave, and I’m so proud of how willing she is to try new things and stand up for herself, even when she’s nervous.
I sure love you, kiddo. You’re my favorite Mila girl ever.
All photos by Photography Hill.
Dying over that picture of her with the doughnut. She's the best.