301 + 203 + 70 weeks
It’s Spring Break around here so we get to have this girl around all day!
(She’s smelling a flower, not trying to eat it, in case anyone was worried.)
I’ll admit, I’m apprehensive about 2+ weeks of all three kids home all the time. No kindergarten. No preschool. All mama, all day.
Since we’re also staring down triple-digit weather already (It is 90° right now. In March. I quit.) I’ve got two goals in mind for this break:
- Let the kids play outside as much as possible.
- Treat this like a trial run for summer break.
That means scheduling activities so we don’t drive each other crazy, stocking the fridge with kid-friendly lunches + plenty of treats, and trying to work in some play dates. It also means taking advantage of babysitters when possible so I can get a break + remain sane.
We can do this. Spring Break! Woo!