Thanks for all the kind words on Friday’s announcement! It’s weird and wonderful and exciting and terrifying, and nearly four months in it’s only just starting to feel real.
Because I’m sure you’re curious and because I’m excited to talk about it and because these are legit questions people have asked since we started spreading the good news, here’s the scoop on pregnancy #3.
Really? You’re pregnant??
Yes. Yes I am. You figured it out. Congrats and gold star for you!
When are you due?
Halloween. Not around then; October 31 is my actual due date. Of course after Margot, I’m planning on dressing up and taking the girls trick-or-treating and having a baby a week or so later. (TL,DR: Margot was 10 days late. Babies: so unpredictable.)
Is it a boy or a girl?
We will find out in a month or two. In theory I like the idea of waiting until the delivery, but I kind of figure if we can find out ahead of time, why not?
How do the girls feel about it?
Mila is over the moon. She asks about the baby all the time and tells me, “I will feed the baby and give it little toys to play with and it will be so so cute.” I don’t think Margot quite gets it yet, but she will. And she LOVES babies, so I’m not worried. They’ll be the best big sisters, I just know it.
How are you feeling?
Much better these days, thanks. That first trimester was icky. Mild, I know, compared to many women’s experience, but not exactly fun. I was soooooo tired, not sleeping well, getting up like five times in the night to use the bathroom, and if I wasn’t actively putting food in my mouth, I felt nauseated. I ate a lot of rice chex and pretzels and popcorn for a while, and the girls watched way more TV than they ever have in their short lives. We survived. Now I’m in my second trimester and it’s comparatively glorious.
Was this planned?
That is, frankly, none of your business…but yes, it was. We’ve known since Margot was born that there was at least one more child waiting to join our family. It was only a matter of timing.
Don’t you have fertility problems or something?
Yes. I have PCOS. I know women who have far more symptoms and greater difficulty staying healthy than I do, so I’m very grateful that my version is fairly mild. That said, I ovulate very infrequently, and I take birth control pretty religiously in order to keep my cysts and hormones in check.
Mila was a miracle baby, but Margot was the result of taking fertility drugs. We used the same medication–Femara–this time. My body does not respond well to Clomid, which is often the first choice for fertility issues, but Femara does the trick.
Are you still taking medication for depression/anxiety?
Yes. For now.
Won’t that hurt the baby?
I had similar concerns and discussed them with my doctor months ago, before I was ready to go off birth control. He gave me a new prescription which is safe during most of pregnancy and while breastfeeding. I made the switch last November. We were very worried about my mental stability–enough so that we would have waited to have more children until we could figure out a solution to help me be healthy and sane and pregnant–but this option has worked really well for me.
My midwife has mentioned that I will have to be weaned off of it before my third trimester, though. We will probably discuss that further at my next appointment. For now, the crazy brain is in check. All is well.
So. I think that about covers it. If you have any other questions–about being pregnant with two crazy littles running around, about being pregnant and also having mental health issues, about PCOS, about my current cravings (yesterday it was Iceberg fries with fry sauce), or about anything else–I’m an open book. Leave a comment, send me an email…I’d love to talk!
Thanks again for being excited for us! We’re so looking forward to having a new addition to our family and all the extra chaos and joy that comes with it!
All photos by Photography Hill
Um, who asks some of things?
BUT, while we're at it, here's a few more I love you to address in a blog post:
1. Now that you've shared the pregnancy secret, can you share any other secrets you've never published online?
2. What's you medication and dosage?
3. How many intimate moments does it typically take for you to get pregnant?
4. Have you barfed? What did it look like?
5. Do you honestly think you'll love it if it's another girl?
1. One of my feet is almost a full size larger than the other.
2. One family size package of Oreos per week or as needed.
3. One. Isn't it always that easy for everyone? And why would you do it more than strictly necessary?
4. Nope.
5. Only if it's not a ginger. Girls I can handle, but gingers have no souls.
Also three of these answers are actually true.
Oh and can you share your weight? I'd love to hear what it is and see if I think you're gaining too much/too little for the next 5 months.
^ bahahahahaha I love you Camille! And yeah some of those questions are very personal sheesh!!
I also have some personal and inappropriate questions.
1. Do you get constipated while pregnant?
2. Are you going to breastfeed? Why or why not?
3. Are you sure you're not having twins?
4. Are you going to circumcise?
5. Are you still having sex now that you're pregnant?
Four yeses and one no. You figure out which is which!
Ditto Camille- I would also like to know your weight.
How about, will this be your last baby? I get that question all the time… I'm still working on this one, thanks!
Another question I got recently was "you know what causes that, right?" Yes…and I'm just doing my part to contribute to overpopulation.
Congratulations! Three is fun. I love having three kids and they love having each other. I also dealt with/deal with mental issues (depression and anxiety) and I say bravo for facing it and handling it. It's the best thing for you and for your family! I took antidepressants while nursing Lars and in my opinion he's super smart and well adjusted and none the worse for wear. 🙂
Right? Let me take this one at a time, please, dear strangers. People are so charming sometimes.
And thanks! We're all going to ruin our kids in some way, right? Might as well it get it out of the way up front! 😉
Also, yes I do have funny friends. And I'm so grateful.
Also I'm still lol-ing at the awesome questions in the comments above. ^ ^ you have funny friends.
jen I'm so freaking excited for you and did you know that I have PCOS too and had to take fertility meds for this little baby Otto? Sometimes I think we are the same person. It makes me quite happy. Lastly- have you ever talked to my mom about her mental illness during zoee and shelby pregnancies? I have the coolest family members!
I didn't know that! We should compare notes. Hooray for soul cousins!
Um, Kayla and Camille have the BEST questions. And yes, I–a near perfect stranger–expect lengthy, detailed, grammatically correct answers to all such questions.
Please see above. Not lengthy but (mostly) grammatically correct. You're welcome.
I keep getting "So when are you having another one?" Um Jade isn't even a year old yet people! The ovaries are closed for business for a long while before I get enough courage to get pregnant again.