This is Part 3 of the post I started on Friday. For an introduction and explanation, or to start at the beginning of the story, click here.
At first I didn’t believe it. How could I be pregnant? I wasn’t taking any meds. I had no idea when I last ovulated. I HAD LITERALLY JUST SEEN THE INSIDE OF MY OWN UTERUS AND THERE WAS NO BABY IN IT. It was impossible.
I showed David the test and he was thrilled. Never questioned it. I was pregnant and that was awesome. End of story. I was not so trusting.
I immediately went to the store, bought the fanciest digital pregnancy test I could find, brought it home, and took it. This time there was no mistaking it; the little window said “pregnant.”
So I called the fertility clinic. “Uh, I just took a pregnancy test and it’s positive. What the heck am I supposed to do now?” I probably sounded like a complete loon. They told me to come in the next morning for a blood test to confirm the pregnancy. Sure enough, their test came back positive too. And when I went in for another blood test a few days later, my hormone levels were rising just like a pregnant woman’s should.
A few weeks later, they had us come in for an ultrasound. That’s when we saw her for the first time. A tiny little blob on the screen with an even tinier beating heart. There was no mistaking it: I had a baby in my belly.
It would be easy to say, as the staff at the fertility clinic did, that I got pregnant because I stopped trying and just relaxed. And that may be true. Maybe setting aside my need for control and the stress that came with it was just what my body needed to start working right. Maybe the drugs were hurting our chances rather than helping them, and once they cleared out of my system things could happen as they should. Shoot, maybe the fact that David started wearing shorts every day last summer is what made all the difference.
I don’t know why God decided to bless us with a baby when He did, but this is what I believe. I believe He was waiting for me to stop thinking I could make things happen on my own. He was waiting for a window of opportunity when my pregnancy absolutely could not be attributed to medical interventions or homeopathic remedies or me keeping track of my cycles or anything else. He was waiting to give me the miracle I kept pleading for, and it couldn’t come until a time when I would know for certain that it was a gift from Him.
And because He waited, because His timing is perfect, I know:
In a few days I’m going to give birth to a miracle.
I've loved reading this series, Jen. Thanks for sharing. ๐
Thanks for telling your story. I've been hoping you would. Can't wait for your little miracle to arrive!
a) Awwwwwww.
b) Love that you timed this so that it came on a Sunday. Perfect svithe.
Rachael: Any time, dear.
Katrina: You're welcome. And me neither!
Optimistic.: Totally planned that. Glad you noticed.
Kelli: ๐
as always, you are my hero ๐ that was beautiful.
Oh that sweet miracle baby, Rigby and I were discussing how excited we are meet her. She is going to be awesome, no doubt.
P.S. Please don't name her Miracle. Goo.
Miracle Goo sounds like a cleaning product from an infomercial. A baby is pretty much the perfect opposite of a cleaning product. Now how much would you pay? But wait, there's more…
Syd: Thanks, darlin'.
Lydia: I was thinking "Nevaeh." You know, "heaven" spelled backward. Because that's totally my style.
Adam: "A baby is pretty much the perfect opposite of a cleaning product." Amen.
So awesome, congrats again. I'm so excited for you. I loved going to the hospital to have my babies. It's such a thrilling and wonderful experience. Enjoy!
Thanks. I can't wait!
Awww Jen! You are amazing. I often think about the amazing people I have met and those that have impacted my life forever. Near the top of that list, would be you. You are inspiring. I loved your story, I cried the whole way through. It's crazy sometimes how we have life all planned out and then we hit a reality check. It is such a good reminder of who really is in control. That little girl could not have asked for a better Mother! I will always love you JEN!
Camber, you are a gem and I love you to pieces. Thanks for being my friend.