Happy birthday, America! Have some firework flowers!
Lantana. They are everywhere. I mostly see yellow ones around town, but the ones in our front planter are red and orange. I love the variegation. Well chosen, previous owners.
Our plant desperately needs to be trimmed back. Maybe when it’s not eleventy billion degrees outside.
Some links for your weekend…
This image from Design Love Fest is pretty much my bloom of the week mantra.
My new favorite picture of David and Mila. I’ll be sharing more photos from our ranch adventures next week.
Hope shares her personal experience with body image and eating disorders and it’s good stuff. Moral of the story: you do you because you are awesome.
An adopted child’s view of the Christian adoption movement. David served part of his mission in Ethiopia and has seen some of this in action. Consequently he has very strong feelings about international adoption.
And lest you worry, on account of all the seriousness up there, that I’ve completely lost my sense of humor: BAM.
Last but not least, if you haven’t read Sam’s take on loving America (or wherever it is you live) you should. It’s great.
Have a great 4th of July weekend, friends.
Photos by me using the VSCOcam app on my iPhone. Not my best work today. In my defense, it was both 102 and raining when I tried to take these. Blech.
That article about adoption was super interesting! What a smart kid. Three of my five adopted siblings were adopted internationally (from Russia), and in their particular situation there was no way that their birth mom (and whoever their fathers were) could have taken adequate care of them even if she wasn't poor, but it does make me wonder about other kids. Adoption can be a rough road, so I do admire the people who do it, and I just hope they do it for the right reasons and are prepared for the multitude of challenges that could arise.