After biting her lip and bursting into tears:
Me: “Are you okay?”
Her: “Yeah.”
Me: “Is your lip going to fall off?”
Her: “No, it’s stuck on dere. Why did Jesus put glue on it and stick it on dere?”
“You are a baby, and you crawl around, and you are not biiiig…but dat never boddered you anyway.”
Driving past a local nursery:
Her: “Dat’s da punkin patch!”
Me: “Sometimes it is. It’s a nursery.”
Her: “A nursery? What’s a nursery?”
“It’s where they grow plants and trees for people to come buy. In the
fall they will have pumpkins and in the winter they will have Christmas
Her: “And we can buy one?!?”
Me: “Sure!”
Her: “A great big beautiful glorious Christmas tree! I’m so excited!”
Me: …
When she jumped into my lap one day:
Me: …
Playing with a shoelace and a pot holder (I promise we have real toys):
Her: “I made a apron. Would you like to try it on?”
Me: “Sure.”
Her: “Your nipples go right dere.”
Me: …
Making up yet another (this time slightly terrifying) song:
Her: “Green and yellow. Green and yellow. Pink and blue and the end of the world.”
Me and David: !!!
You guys. What am I going to do with this child?
Sell a comedian her material hahahaha
Seriously. I should get the kid an agent.