We officially have a new family tradition.
David came home from work one evening and I had nothing prepared for dinner. This actually happens about 50% of the time, but I usually have a plan or, at the very least, ingredients that can be thrown together at the last minute. This time, though, I had nothing. It was Friday, I was maxed out, and if I had to make dinner, we were all having cereal.
Normally we’d go to Cafe Rio or something, but a giant meal didn’t sound good to me at all. “All I want to do is eat bread and cheese,” I whined.
“Okay,” David gamely replied. “Let’s go get some bread and cheese.”
So we did.
We packed up the girls and drove to Sprouts because they have THE BEST French bread. They also have this little cheese remnants basket filled with smallish bits of fancy cheeses. I love to try new cheese but don’t want to commit to a larger chunk (What if it costs me my firstborn but tastes like feet? That’s a very real possibility with cheese, you know.) so this system is perfect for me. We chose a couple samples, snagged some produce, and checked out.
It was the best dinner ever. That night as we feasted I decided it needed to be a weekly tradition.
Now every Friday afternoon, the girls and I go to Sprouts for French bread (or a baguette, or both) and cheese. Once we picked up a tub of hummus. Another night we grabbed some turkey from the deli.
Sometimes we get some fresh fruits or vegetables; sometimes we just eat what’s already in our fridge. Thus far we’ve had bell peppers, cucumbers, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, grapes, artichokes, and sugar snap peas.
We’ve eaten some delicious smoked Gouda, Edam, Camembert, and an unbelievably smooth triple cream Brie. Mmmmmmmm.
French bread Friday, y’all. It’s totally a thing. It’s easy, it’s cheap, and it feels super fancy. Do it. You will not be sad you did.
We went to a fancy cheese party a few years ago, and it was amazing! I felt weird taking pics so never blogged it.
Perhaps we should recreate this party, because now I know we not only share interests, senses of humor, fertility woes, carb problems, husband professions, and Lydia, but now a love for fine cheese as well.
Can we please? And even if we don't, you should join us some Friday. We'd love to have you.