Would you believe that in over five years of marriage David and I have NEVER kept all our clothing in one place? At Parkway, our dresser was in our bedroom, his shirts and things hung in that closet, and most of my clothes lived in Mila’s closet. It was not an ideal living arrangement.
Then we moved here and didn’t even have a closet rod from which to hang our things.
Thanks for that, previous homeowners.
David got to work measuring and sawing and hammering and drilling (Mila helped) and now our closet looks like this:
We have more than enough space for both of our wardrobes–my stuff goes on the right, David’s on the left–plus a ton of storage. It’s fantastic.
David will be the first to tell you it’s not as perfect as something you could buy in a store, but the whole project cost about $100 (not including paint and caulk which we already had), looks great, and will meet our needs, which is all I ask. Plus there’s room to add more shelving if we decide we need it.
We’ve moved in most of our clothing and a few boxes of storage, but there are still boxes we have yet to unpack–or even find!–full of winter clothes, Christmas decorations, and more that will also end up in the closet. I still need to hang that full-length mirror ($6 from Target, y’all) and figure out a wall-mounted jewelry storage solution. David wants to come up with something to organize all his ties, too. There’s always more to do, right?
Mila, ever the helper, wanted to get in the photo action today but got super shy when she realized I was taking pictures. That was new.
(Hello, BeBand!)
Tomorrow: more pics of moi and a svithe.
Hopefully pics without the wonky light reflection between my legs. This is what happens when you take photos too late in the day. The more you know!
I love the closet.. and I love your outfit. so pretty.
Ditto and thanks. 🙂
I love enjoying other people's remodeling projects. Hope you don't mind me following your progress. You have an awesome closet. That is a great improvement for such a low price. Way to go!
Not at all! That's why I'm posting about it. I love following other people's home improvement projects too.
We’ve almost finished building our house and I’d love to install something like this in our home BEFORE we move in.