Weird as some of my faces are when people take pictures of me, they’re much less creepy than the faces I make when I take pictures of myself. But Amelia was napping and I had time so I figured I’d set the camera timer and get this out of the way now instead of waiting till David gets home from work.
Yesterday: boring and easy and I didn’t remember to take a picture until it was late and I was too tired to care. After feeling uncomfortable all day Tuesday, I needed just a jeans and t-shirt kind of day. It was a nice break. I did wear big ol’ earrings with my boring clothes, mind you, I just forgot to put them back in when I recreated the outfit this morning.
And then there is today. Let’s take a moment to talk about how pasty my legs are. THEY ARE SO PASTY. The end.
Yesterday I was looking at blogs and Pinterest and Martha Stewart Living to come up with ideas for handmade Christmas gifts and decorations. Inspiration struck and I bundled Amelia up for a trip to Joann’s for some green felt before I forgot.
And when I got home I realized two things.
1) The chick at the register overcharged me. I bought a remnant, so it should have been half off, so unless the spool of thread I also bought cost four dollars, I’m pretty sure she didn’t give me the discount. But I don’t want to be that person who drives all the way back out to Mesa for a four dollar refund. Not worth it. Still annoying.
2) I really need to finish the stuff I’m working on now before starting something new. As of this morning I have five incomplete projects and another five or six in the queue, most of which need to be completed before Christmas. I’m not entirely sure how that’s going to happen, but the current plan involves knitting like crazy on the way to and from San Diego for Thanksgiving and cutting out felt shapes while watching “Parks and Recreation.”
I have problems.
Day 9: shirt: J Crew / jeans: Gap / shoes: gift / earrings (not shown): Target
Day 10: shirt: J Crew / skirt: Banana Republic / shoes: Payless
San Diego for Thanksgiving? That sounds fun. Can I sneak over there with you in your luggage?
Honey, you don't want to have to pack your pregnant self into my luggage. But you're welcome to try!