Some actual one-sided conversations I’ve had with Amelia that made me suddenly realize what a foolish child my Heavenly Father must think I am sometimes.
“I hear you, I hear you. Mommy just has to finish putting the laundry in the dryer. I hear you and I’m coming in just one minute. You will not die if you have to wait for one minute, I promise. I hear you complaining and I’m coming to fix it, you just have to be patient…Oh.”
“Seriously, why are you fighting me? You’ve been nursing for nearly three months and I’m pretty sure you know how to latch on by now. Just chill out. Stop. STOP. Ok, really, you’ve got to stop, you big spaz! Squirming around is not going to get you anywhere. And I’m pretty sure there’s not any food in your fist. You know what you’re supposed to do, so why don’t you just DO it?…Oh.”
“Go to sleep. Go to sleep. OH MY GOSH JUST GO TO SLEEP ALREADY. You are so tired! I know you think you’re not, but you really really are. No, don’t you smile at me. It is not play time. It is sleeping time. Not play time. Sleeeeeeping time. You’ll be so much happier if you get some sleep. Trust me. I’m your mother and I know what is best for you…Oh.”
Oh wow… lemme tell ya, welcome to the last 3 years of my life. Wait until she's mobile, and you have to save her in the nick of time from a million kinds of doom and misery that she doesn't even know she's being saved from.
Just went through this tonight.
"Oh" indeed.
Adam: I imagine I'll be having these moments for the rest of our lives.
Th.: I s'pose "Duh." works just as well, since they're pretty obvious as epiphanies go.