I believe this is the picture referenced in this post:
(I have a color copy, but I’m too lazy to hook up my laptop to the scanner, re-scan it, and clean it up [because it could surely benefit from some Photoshopping. You can tell my eyes are flaming red, even without color.] so you have to deal with the poor quality sepia version I scanned in a hundred years ago.)
So young. So happy. So glad we’re still friends.
Good times, good times. Seriously. Now I just need to find our cowgirl picture–I think I've got that one.
Sidenote: looking at this picture made me realize that my face has thinned out a lot over the past 9 years. Despite weighing the exact same. Which makes me wonder if I will look totally gaunt in another 15 years.
also–there are a lot of flaming red eyes in pictures from that year. especially the ones where we are making horns with our fingers.
Both are more beautiful than Scarlett could ever have hoped to be!
also, we are awesome.
remember the weekend all our other roommates randomly disappeared so we barricaded ourselves in our room with some sherbet and two dozen muffins and some IBC cream soda? considering all the chocolate milk, Creamery rolls, and frozen pot pies we ate that year, it's a miracle our arteries survived.
seriously. so much fun. oh, I'm so glad I had you freshman year, because we did a great job of living it up. remember going to the temple every tuesday–and our cougareat/international cinema nights, and nicknaming everyone in the world, and writing yesterday's pants, and the time I photographed your fake death for my Hon P 200 paper, and the "I heart Luke" poster in our window, and the rainbow spaghetti, and movies on the balcony, and the night we hiked the Y starting from the Wilk after BYU beat Utah, and driving the canyon eating Froot Loops and pizza, and the burning room, and sprinkle biscuits, and cookie Sundays? oh I could go on, but I'll spare you the reminiscent flood. except for how our toes traveled the country. there, I'm really done now. but I will tell you one more thing–we're going to Niagara Falls next week. and I will be thinking of you.
Give the Falls my love!