Well I was going to post yesterday…and then my computer was a hot mess and a little bit so was I, so I didn’t. Sad face. It’s okay though. Today I’ve got a new thingy I’m excited to tell you about.
In my post for the Beesley Project last week, I talked a little bit about how much I usually hate summers here (which is not news to anyone) but how this year feels a little different. I’m noticing the beauty of the desert and realizing that, even though it feels like the surface of the sun, the desert flora and fauna are thriving.
I want to thrive too. I want to be like all the weird beautiful plants and animals and flourish despite the harsh conditions I sometimes face. In order to remind myself that I can do just that, I’ve decided to start a new series of weekly posts.
A few weeks ago–before the record-breaking heat set in–the girls and I
went on a walk and gathered an armful of flowers. We picked pretty
things in alleys and parks and our own yard and brought them home. I was blown away by the variety we encountered just in our own neighborhood, and I wanted to capture and share the beauty with you.
But I also didn’t want to keep picking flowers. Much as I love filling my house with fresh bouquets, I’m not sure these plants are meant for that sort of thing. Most of them–including the bougainvillea above–started wilting long before we made it home. Sad face again. So here’s what I’m going to do instead.
Every week I’ll find a new bloom to share with you. I’ll find out what kind of flower it is and tell you a little bit about it if I can. I’ll leave it where I found it so other people can enjoy its beauty too, but I’ll take some pretty photos of it to remind us to (if you’ll excuse the tired expression) bloom where we’re planted.
And I want you to join in too! If you’re on Instagram, you can find my weekly images and tag your own pics under #thebloomoftheweek. If you post your photos elsewhere, like your blog or Facebook or wherever, I’d love for you to share a link in the comments of my Friday “bloom of the week” posts. Then we can see what’s growing where you live too! You can follow me on Instagram here, and remember that I’ll be posting multiple photos here every Friday.
I can’t wait to see the virtual flower garden we grow together!
Jacquie Lyman says
I just really love this idea. A lot.
jenbosen says