Clearly I’m not very good at blogging consistently, even when I say I’ve committed to it.
But something I am good at is doing laundry every Monday. Most weeks, the washer and dryer are running all day on Monday and not at all any other day. Everything gets washed during the day. Then, after the kids are in bed, David and I turn on our current Netflix binge, eat some ice cream, and I fold everything. First thing Tuesday morning, the kids all put their clothes away.

Is it working? Honestly, it could be better. Something needs to shift. But at the moment, I don’t have the mental capacity to tweak a routine that has been in place for over a decade. Maybe when the kids go back to school I can reevaluate things.

Sometimes when things are hard, you lean into your existing routines, even if they aren’t your favorite anymore, simply because they’re predictable. You don’t have to think about it. You just…do laundry because it’s Monday.

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