Homies, this has been such a weird process. First I thought I was writing some e-books. Then I thought I was creating some online classes. Turns out neither of those were right.
Quietly and without fanfare, I launched a podcast into the world last Friday.

Aside from just deciding to do it, there have been so many challenges along the way. My site went down at the worst possible time. I’ve run into error codes galore. Learning how to record myself, even though I can’t stand the sound of my own voice, is humbling. And then there’s all the mental self-sabatoging I kept trying NOT to do.
Despite all the setbacks, I started a podcast. Something new (and hopefully worthwhile) exists. I did that! Woo!
It is far from perfect. It also feels WAY more vulnerable than blogging ever has. Starting a podcast seems right, though. I think it’s going to help me do what I’ve wanted to do here on the blog for a while now but haven’t quite managed. And I think a podcast will help me do those things better.
This site will still be my home base. I’ll continue sharing travel updates, recipes, parenting thoughts, too many photos…all the usual stuff. I’m still figuring out how frequently I’ll post; between this new creative endeavor, my usual end-of-summer slump, and living an actual life, it’s going to take a while to find a good rhythm.
The podcast, though, will have new episodes every Friday. Hopefully it’ll give you something thoughtful + uplifting to take into your weekends. Show notes and any other podcast info will be updated regularly HERE.
In theory, the RLOP podcast will be a place to discuss the big ideas that live under the surface of what we do every day: values + mindsets + goals + things like that. That will leave the RLOP blog to be a place for details: advice + specific applications of those bigger ideas.
Basically I’ll talk about living more purposefully there, then share how that tends to unfold in real life through pictures + words here.
I’m super nervous and second guessing EVERYTHING. That’s pretty normal, though, for a perfectionist who is starting a very public new project. So even though I’ve had several despair-and-embarrassment spirals about this project (and will probably have a few more) I’m confident this will be worth the effort.
You can listen to episode 1 HERE, on the Apple podcast app, Podbean, Overcast, Stitcher, and (eventually) Spotify and Google Play. And if you listen to podcasts already, you know that subscribing + leaving a review on iTunes will help other people find me. So if you want to do something nice, that’d be a great way to show some love!
Episode 2 will be available on Friday.
I may or may not channel my inner Pharrell Williams.
It’s embarrassing.
Here goes nothing.
(Big shout out to Chrissy for the head shot, to Elise for designing my logo and helping me figure out a podcast icon, and to my favorite husband for believing in me even when I don’t. Everything is better + easier when you have good people on your team, amen.)
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