Somebody had a birthday last weekend.
This girl. I don’t have words for this girl. She makes me roll my eyes and laugh until I cry and shake my fists at the heavens and melt into a big gooey love-puddle. She is a handful, and I mean that in the best way possible.
At four years old, Margot loves to sing + dance, particularly in front of an audience. She sometimes “forgets the words” and “gets embarrassed,” which is of course all part of her act. I thought her sister had a flair for the dramatic, but this one? She’s a born actress. And I have my suspicions that she has perfect pitch.
When I tell her anything new, she always says, “What?? That’s crazy!” You have swimming lessons today. “That’s crazy!” It’s time for lunch. “That’s crazy!” Everything delights her. Unless it doesn’t, in which case it is THE WORST THING EVER. There is no in between.
She likes things to be a certain way so I spend a lot of time accommodating that or helping her adjust her expectations. Don’t get on her bad side because girlfriend knows how to hold a grudge. On the other hand, though, once you are her friend, she will adore you with everything she has. Her emotions run deep for such a small person; sometimes she tells me, “Mama, I was happy-crying.”
She tells the funniest stories, usually beginning with, “Want to hear about my dream?” She’s brave + determined + competitive + sharp as a tack. I mean, she’s teaching herself to read and has a vocabulary bigger than many kids twice her age. When she sticks her little tongue out, you know she’s working hard on something and won’t stop until she figures it out. She keeps me on my toes, that’s for sure. And I wouldn’t have her any other way.
Happy day, my Margolas! I’m so glad you are my sunshine!
Photos by Kylie Pond Photography
I love her!!!!! I love your descriptions of her… so funny and cute!!!
She and Jake could be twins–their personalities are very similar! I love how detailed she is when she’s describing something.