285 + 187 + 54 weeks
What was meant to be a low-key weekend turned out to be…not so much that. David discovered a sprinkler leak which had created a small swamp in the back yard. Ryan’s runny nose turned into a cough, and the combination of those two things led to a delightful barfing-at-nap-time incident. David and I both had assignments to teach in church yesterday. David’s family had a pre-Thanksgiving dinner last night, which means our kitchen is still an explosion of pie making paraphernalia.
The most exciting thing for the girls, though, was babysitting Mila’s class pet, Mr. Nibbles.
I shared a video of Ryan chasing him in his little hamster ball on Snapchat (I’m jenbosen there) but didn’t save it before it went away. Alas. It was HILARIOUS.
Anyway, they loved having him here. Once we put him in the laundry room at night and I couldn’t hear him scritch-scratching around, I didn’t mind having him around either. He liked me; I fed him carrots.
The most exciting thing for me was not Mr. Nibbles, but this boy’s new trick: rolling onto his tummy and pushing himself backwards into this position.
From there he can get to sitting and off he scoots.
I know, it doesn’t seem like a big deal. For him, however, this is kind of a major accomplishment. Most kids are doing this long before they turn one, but this boy stopped rolling over months ago. It’s been discouraging, so watching him figure this out felt like a huge win.
We have an appointment with a pediatric physical therapist in a couple weeks. As far as we know, his physiology is fine, he’s just behind on meeting gross motor milestones. I can’t wait to talk to a PT and get more information. Until then, we’re celebrating every tiny bit of progress.
How was everyone else’s weekend?
Hoooo boy. What a weekend! Lawsy.