A cool front rolled in yesterday, bringing a breeze and a little thunder and rain early this morning. Now I’ve got the only screened windows in the house wiiiiiide open (I’d crack them all but: mosquitoes. We can’t have everything.) and the fresh air is doing wonders for my crankiness.
November is already shaping up to be kind of amazing.
In case you missed it yesterday, Lydia featured me on her Love Project yesterday. Stop by for the most amazing awkward hands photo you’ve ever seen and stay for the story of the moment I knew I was in love with David. And if you’re interested in participating, let her know! It was such a great experience and I have loved every single post so far.
To help our little family cultivate a gratitude attitude, I bought Caravan Shoppe’s thanksgiving tree printable and put it on the wall of our living room. We’ll be (as David put it) Benjamin Buttoning the tree by adding leaves to it daily.
I’m documenting my own leaves on my second Instagram account (@letteredbyjen) if you want to see what blessings I’m counting each day.
Margot is officially potty trained!!! She’s been wearing diapers to bed the past couple weeks because I was in no mood to deal with changing sheets in the middle of the night. Last night she wore underpants to bed for the first time, though, and had zero problems. I’m so proud of her! And it’s about dang time!
Surely you know this already, but the Cubs finally broke the curse and won the World Series last night. I genuinely do not care about baseball or sport in general. I do, however, adore Chicago, so I’m thrilled they got a long overdue and much-coveted prize.
Happy mail has been trickling in and it’s been so fun to open a new little package every couple days. The Baby Cubby sent me some goodies for Ryan’s birthday next week; I’ll be sharing more about them soon. Hello Maypole gave me a package of felt balls–simply because I told them I liked them!–bringing my collection to an almost embarrassing size. I won some miniature plastic deer in an Instagram giveaway. My front door is sporting the cutest custom embroidery hoop that I ordered from The Ginger Cotton Shop. The youth from our church congregation “ding dong ditched” us last night…literally leaving us a box of Ding Dongs.
I can’t help feeling so loved!
And here’s the best thing of all: Partly because others have been so generous toward me, and partly because it was fun to do six months ago, and partly because I like you guys so much, I’ve got something great to share with you tomorrow.
Be sure to stop by in the morning!
(B&W photo of me by Photography Hill. All others by me.)
I need the temps to drop another 15 degrees, stat. (But I’m not mad about the no-longer-sweltering days.) Heading over to the Love Project to stalk you there too.
Another 15 degrees would be heavenly. I keep trying to wear sweaters and…well, they make me sweat. Alas.