267 + 169 + 36 weeks
We spent the weekend up at my parents’ house. There was a big barbecue last night to celebrate my grandparents’ 60th anniversary and to give us time to visit with each other. They have thirty-three great-grandchildren so far (if I counted right) and nearly half were there yesterday. So many cousin-brothers! So much fun!
That girl loooooved playing on the slip-and-slide with the older kids.
Her sister was a little more hesitant but still wanted to play in the water.
And homeboy here thought the whole circus was hilarious to watch.
That was the only “vacation” we took this summer; school starts next week. And while it wasn’t the beach, it was good for my heart. I sure love that gigantic family of mine.
I love love love big families. My mom’s fam is massive, she’s one of 10 and those 10 had 54 (I’m #45ish), 53 of whom are married, most have babies of their own, and some of those babies (my cousin’s kids) have babies of THEIR own. We….we are a very large group! And it’s fantastic!