250 + 152 + 19 weeks
She tinkers all day, tying things together, building, inventing.
I hate when she tries out her roller skates made of headbands and matchbox cars, but I sure love her ingenuity.
Wearing a tutu and eating “cheeyos and milk.” Usually without a shirt, but I made her get semi-dressed today.
If it’s a breakfasty food (eggs, bagels, smoothies, pancakes, yogurt + granola, etc.) chances are good she will eat it. Otherwise, all bets are off.
If he could be in my arms gnawing on a rubber spatula all day, he would be a happy boy. He also spends a fair amount of time sucking on his toes, blowing unbelievably wet raspberries, and shrieking because he rolled over and is now stuck on his tummy.
And can we take a moment to discuss how difficult it is to take a decently focused selfie with a DSLR with a fixed 50 mm lens while preventing a baby from dive-bombing off your lap? So difficult. Go me.
I have yet to get a photo of myself BY myself from my big camera. My arms are just not long enough! Ha!
Love those kiddos of yours!! I really want to get together again for a play date or soemthing! I feel so out of the loop hahaha also LOVE the new layout!
Thanks! And yes, let’s set something up!