Amelia: 185 weeks and Margot: 87 weeks
Things have been a little crazy around here, putting Christmas decorating a little lower on the priority list than I had hoped it would be. Such is life sometimes. We did get ourselves a Christmas tree last week, and this morning I finally put the lights on it. The girls were beyond excited to put some “orgaments” on it.
We bought them at Ikea the first Christmas after we were married. I’m so glad we still have them. They’re pretty much indestructible and if they did break I wouldn’t feel bad about it. They don’t match any of my other Christmas decor. We didn’t even have ornament hooks; David jimmied some for us out of (I think) industrial sized staples that first year and I never got around to replacing them. They’re super fancy.
But who cares? Mila has completely covered the bottom half of the tree in baubles. Margot has been carrying this heart around with her for at least an hour. They are so happy.
And that makes my mama heart happy. It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.
Cute! I love the holidays, these pictures are adorable!
Melanie @
Thanks! It helps to have sweet little models.