I really feel like I need to change the way I title these posts, since it’s getting a little confusing. Mila is 100 weeks old today (which we are celebrating by making yet another cake because I’m predictable like that) and Margot is 2 weeks old. I suppose I could do two separate posts each Monday, one for Mila and one for Margot. Or I could start calling it “Mila & Margot Monday” to clarify a little. I don’t know.
What do you guys think?
Regardless, here are my girlies and, because I’m feeling wordy today, some stats.
(She got a new swimsuit and was SUPER excited to wear it.)
- Her favorite song is “Satisfaction” by the Rolling Stones. No joke. She sings, “Get no! ‘faction! No no no!” all the time and it is hilarious.
- She still chews on things when she’s stressed out or bored. Lately I’ve caught her with crayons, Margot’s pacifier, and a piece of a succulent in her mouth, much to my distress.
- Only lately has she started saying “yes.” It used to be “okay” (but sounded kind of like “okerr”) and then it was “okay, sure.”
- She loves airplanes and large trucks and buses, dancing, digging in the dirt, coloring pictures, and snuggling her baby sister.
- She does not love bread, riding in shopping carts for too long (she’d rather help push), or having her hair combed after a bath.
- Daddy is still her favorite person, but she did tell me the other day
that I was her best friend. And then I died of the cuteness.
- She gained eleven ounces in a week and now weighs more than ten pounds.
- Her head feels like a ripe peach: slightly squishy and super fuzzy. And her hair is currently darker than Mila’s, but only around the back of the cul-de-sac…because she has a balding old man hairline.
- I think her eyes are going to be green or grey. It’s hard to tell right now, but I’m 90% sure they won’t be blue.
- She loves to be swaddled tightly, be snuggled and petted, and to suck on a pacifier, although she’s not great at keeping it in her mouth for very long yet.
- She does not love the baby swing, having to wait too long to eat, or not moving while in the car or the stroller.
- She slept for six straight hours last night. Best night with a newborn ever.
I sure love these girlies. They wear me out, but goodness, they’re sweet.
Oh how I love them too! They are soo sweet! And I think it should be Mila and Margot Monday? Or Mila Monday and Margot Tuesday! 🙂
I considered that, but I kinda like keeping the kids mostly confined to one post a week. I'll figure something out.
She told me she loved me today. I felt all tingly and happy. I am so glad we got to play!
Me too. It's always nice to see you guys.
Mommy Monday? Motherhood Monday? Kinda cliche, but.. y'know. My Girls Monday?
Both girls are devastatingly cute, so whatever you call your weekly baby posts, that won't change!
Aren't they though? Sometimes I just want to eat them up.
I'll admit, I read the title as 102 weeks… thinking Mila was not 102 weeks old. So, yeah, a little confusing! I don't have any better suggestions though. Sorry!
And oh, that squishy fuzzy peach head sounds marvelous!
Confusing, no? And oh, it is! I kiss it a million times a day.