When we moved into our new ward, the choir director immediately invited us to join the choir. David wasn’t interested. I was.
I’d avoided the choir since we got married. It was more fun to cringe at the kinda pitiful performances or make snarky remarks about the over-the-top ones with David from the safety of our pew than it was to participate. Plus who has time for choir practice? Not me.
But when Sister C asked me to come sing, I said yes without any hesitation.
I knew I needed it.
Our Sundays since Mila was born have been more challenging and stressful than anything else. With Sunday School and Elder’s Quorum callings, a busy toddler and this pregnancy, things got overwhelming quickly. Getting everyone clean and dressed and to church on time, remembering meetings and lesson schedules, making sure we’ve got plenty of snacks and diapers and crayons and books and scriptures and manuals and everything else packed into my bag, then keeping Mila quiet and happy for three whole hours until she was old enough to go to nursery…it just hasn’t left a lot of room for quiet contemplation and worship. And of course that’s just with the one kid; I know things are only going to get more complicated moving forward.
However, choir practice has become what Sunday services no longer are for me. A time to feel the spirit. To join with my brothers and sisters in praising God. To show Him my gratitude for all that He has given me. With David at home negotiating a late lunch and Mila’s naptime, I’m able to spend an hour every Sunday communing with my Maker through music.
We have been practicing Easter music since just after Christmas. All winter and spring, I’ve been singing, “Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord!” I can remember few times when I’ve been able to reach a high F so easily, but when it’s propelled by the peace and hope and joy that I feel as I sing, I’m not surprised that they let me continue to pretend to be a soprano.
It’s not much. I’d prefer to have an overabundance of time to devote to my faith, but that’s not the season of life I’m in right now. Fortunately, just as the Savior was able to feed a multitude with a five loaves and two fishes, He is able to feed a hungry mother and wife with an hour of song every Sabbath.
Thro’ all the tumult and the strife
I hear the music ringing;
It finds an echo in my soul—
How can I keep from singing?
Happy Easter, everyone. Jesus lives. I hope you get to sing some Alleluias in celebration. I know I will.
Surprisingly, since Sasha has been born, I've been enjoying church a lot more. It is so nice to leave James with G, sneak off to the mothers room to feed and have a cuddle with Sasha while listening to the talks or getting to know another mom that pops in.
I hope you have a nice room to nurse in, and that the transition goes well!! Sending you love!