(See this post for a rundown of the challenge and what I’ve chosen to do over the allotted six weeks. See this one for a previous update.)
We’re halfway done and I just couldn’t wait to tell you some stuffs.
I’ve continued using Preethi’s coconut oil deodorant recipe in slightly larger doses, and I think I’m either getting used to my own smell or my body is getting used to the chemistry of this stuff, because it seems to be working! Not that I’ve tested it in high stress situations or anything, but for everyday use it may just be sufficient. I’m still withholding my final judgment.
I ordered some pom pom trim online for the curtains for Mila’s room and it arrived on Monday. Turns out it is NOT AT ALL the color I expected it to be. Alas. Back it goes. I think I found the right color through a different source, but it’s so hard to tell with just online pics and descriptions, y’know?
Also, and most exciting to me, I made this:
It’s not perfect, being hand-written and all, but I’m pretty pleased with it. I may do another draft or two to get some of the spacing right before I frame it and hang it up. I thought about touching it up in Illustrator, but I think I’d prefer the original to an edited and printed version.
Have you been inspired by your Pinterest boards to do or make anything new lately?
That is amazing Jen! Where will you hang it? I can't wait to see the quilt you are doing. I love the colors you chose.
Either in the bathroom or in Mila's room. Neither is ready for hanging things yet, though, so we'll see.
That is fantastic. I may have to cheat and print out a copy for myself to hang up.
Go for it. Unless you want to wait for the actual final product. Or I could make you an original and mail it to you. Whatevs.
All this talk about pop-pom curtains reminded me of this sheet set I am obsessed with. SOMEDAY it will be mine!
http://www.anthropologie.com/anthro/product/home-new-bedbath/23941842.jsp (the red/multi version)
Those sheets are incredible and I'm pretty sure you need them. Shoot, I might need them too, even thought they totally don't go in my bedroom. Maybe for the guest room…?
The Flaming Lips! I cannot even tell you how many times I listened to this song during my sophomore year of high school.
So now I can't listen to it without getting all angsty, you know? But in a good way.
I cannot tell you how much I love this song. SO VERY MUCH. Good to know I'm not alone in my good-angsty Flaming Lips love.
I LOVE hand lettering. This looks amazeballs.
Thanks, yo. The latest version is much better…I'll post it soon!