For probably a year now I’ve been talking about getting myself a dwarf Meyer lemon tree. Yet I kept putting off actually getting one for the longest time, even though I knew where to get them and that they were well within my price range. Procrastination and excuses: I’m good at them.
Anyway, I finally got one! And I love it!
Look at all the baby lemons! I have no idea how many of them will actually make it to maturity, but it’s fun to see them growing already.
Eventually I need to put it in a real pot; it’s still living in the plastic one it came in. With the weather as gorgeous as it has been lately, I’ve kept it outside to let it soak in the not-too-hot sunshine. When the temperatures start creeping up, though, I want to bring it in and put it in a sunny window. That way I don’t have to worry about it getting scorched, and we can enjoy the scent of lemon leaves (and maybe even blossoms? Is that too much to hope for?) all summer.
The question now is, what do I call it? Because I feel like it needs a name. Right now I’m waffling between Oscar Meyer Lemon Tree and Liz Meyer Lemon. Any other obvious ones I’m missing? What’s your vote?
Finally! You have no idea how many times I've just about purchased one for you. My vote is Liz Meyer Lemon, mostly because Mila knows it's funny.
I keep waiting for the day when she says, "Good God, Lemon!" and I can't laugh because that would be totally inappropriate…but really really funny.
You will be so happy with a Meyer lemon tree. I know we are. It's impact cannot be overstated.
Your endorsement has been noted and I will blame you if this relationship fails. Kidding. Mostly.
Glad you finally pulled the trigger. After all, a house is not a home without a citrus tree (or 5, like me and Lydia have). I wouldn't worry about it getting scorched or anything, 'cause those things are pretty tough.
Now is actually an awesome time of year to plant it, if you were thinking of doing that. It will produce more new growth for next year's crop that way, and the fruit is sweeter if you let it ripen in the full summer heat and sun. Can't blame you for wanting the smell of blossoms in your house though. Probably the best smell in the world.
Nope. Definitely want it in a pot, although you've got me reconsidering bringing it inside. Maybe I'll get another one so I can have the best of both worlds. Because really, citrus blossom smell is divine but so is quality sun-ripened fruit.