People! We are ONLINE! It is a beautiful, beautiful thing. No longer do I need to wonder what the letter O with a slash through it is called and what sound it makes, because I have access to Wikipedia! No more am I plagued with questions like, “Where do I know that actress from?” or, “Wasn’t so-and-so in that movie too?” because I can just look it up on IMDB! I can look up my current checking account balance! Answer emails! Read blogs! Waste time on Pinterest!
Oh man. Nice as it is to unplug sometimes–because let’s face it: the quality family time has been lovely–it is glorious to be back on the webs.
And you should be happy about it too because it means I’ll be posting much much more often. Maybe even daily. Maybe more! Dear blog, how I have missed you.
So! I’ll be back tomorrow. And the next day. And the next. Until we’re all caught up and you’re sick of my word vomit and we’re back to normal again.
Meanwhile, here’s your long overdue dose of Miss Mila. We’ve been reading one of my favorite books together before she goes to bed. (That’s right, y’all. After more than a year of chugging along a handful of pages at a time, we finally finished the entire Harry Potter series. I needed something shorter to cleanse my palate before we launch into The Magician’s Nephew. (Also I need to find The Magician’s Nephew. It’s in a box…somewhere…)) She found it this morning and was looking at pictures through her shaggy dog hair.
It makes my heart happy that she loves books so much already.
Oh that precious girl. I love her so much! Glad you are finally up.. I missed Mila Monday's!