That is a serious, serious question when house hunting in this God-forsaken desert. Everyone and their grandmother has a pool here. We’ll find a house that we sort of like. Then we’ll discover it has a pool in the backyard. And then my brain launches into the same tired debate:
You do not want a pool.
How do you know? You don’t know me. Maybe I NEED a pool.
I AM you, dummy. Of course I know. And you do not need a pool. Pools are expensive.
Not that expensive.
It’s another bill, no matter how big. Do you need another bill to pay?
No. But how bad can it be if we maintain it ourselves?
That’s a lot of work. You can’t even keep your bedroom clean. How are you going to keep a pool functioning?
I’ll figure it out. Besides, I could swim all the time!
You wouldn’t. You’d get bored of it and never use the thing.
Yes I would. I would swim all the time. Every day, from April to October. Mila’s hair would turn green from the chlorine because we’d spend so much time in that thing.
I doubt it.
Really. We’d have pool parties all summer long. Everyone will want to hang out at our house because they can swim and eat popsicles and it will be amazing.
That is so not going to happen.
How would you even know?
Besides, what about how dangerous pools are? What if Mila somehow gets out of the house without you noticing and you find her floating face down some afternoon, all because you had to have your stupid pool. What then?
That;s what fences are for. Besides, we’ll be careful.
You just never know…
And on the debate rages. It’s worse when there’s a house with a pool, but it’s empty or not in good shape. Do we fix the pool? Fill it in? Not even consider the house at all because of what a nightmare it would be to deal with either way?
Maybe we need to revisit the idea of arranged marriages, except with real estate. Realtors could be like matchmakers and just set the whole thing up for you, and then you just get what you get and learn to love it as you build a life together over the years. It wouldn’t be that bad, right?
Incidentally, if anyone has thoughts on the great pool debate, please chime in, especially if you have experience owning a pool.
Funny conversation you've had with yourself.
My sister loves her pool, swims or does water aerobics almost every day for months out of the year, it always looks crystal clear, and she entertains in her back yard (which we love to be invited). My daughter hates hers, (college age with roomates)difficult to maintain, rarely swims in it. It was a big selling point when buying the house, thought she could get renters easier. Six girls live there, not one of them use it regularly. So . . . go figure! Helpful, right? We've never owned a pool bigger than one you set on your lawn and fill with a garden hose, so I don't know if I'd enjoy one myself.
See, this is what I worry about! Either it will be a glorious thing and we'll wonder how we every lived without it, or we'll never use it and hate that we have it. Sigh. (By the way, hi! Didn't know you read my blog!)
my only thought is that if you do end up with a pool, you can put your girlie in one of those infant swim classes. they are amazing….they teach 6-12 month kids how to float on their backs if they fall in a pool!
That, my dear, is a good idea. Even if we don't end up with a pool I'm probably going to be a swimming lessons fiend. Kids need to know how to be safe around water!
i want to have my baby learn, and we don't even live by a single pool…it's just so stinking adorable. have you seen the videos??
No, but now I know what I'll be doing while she naps tomorrow. YOU TUBE!