We spend Sunday evenings at my in-laws. The company is great and I don’t have to cook. It’s perfect.
Except there’s always that weird lull between when church ends at 3:30 and when we actually go to dinner at 5. Lately, on weeks when we don’t have other meetings scheduled, we’ve taken to using that time to cruise by houses that we might want buy. On one such excursion, we drove by a strip mall with some interesting offerings. The following conversation ensued.
“Dude! There’s a place in there that sells ‘Euro-Asian sandwiches.’ I’m pretty sure we need to go there.”
“What the heck is a Euro-Asian sandwich? Like, something from Turkey? Maybe with turkey?”
“Ha. I don’t know. Maybe it’s more Eastern Bloc.”
“Like Romania? Or maybe Ukraine?”
“Or maybe Pakistan. YES. PAKISTANWICHES.”
“Or Uzbekistanwiches!”
“Can we please make this happen?”
So now we need to know: what might one put on an Azerbaijanwich? (Also, bonus points to anyone who can say “Azerbaijanwiches” three times fast.)
You better believe we’ll be hitting this place up soon. I looked up their menu and they have jambon & pork roll sandwiches and avocado smoothies. I am both fascinated and a little grossed out. I’ll let you know how it goes.
I have had an avocado smoothie many times before. Delicious! That place sounds like a sweet (and savory) dining adventure.
I'm still skeptical, but it will definitely be an adventure with or without the avocado smoothie.
Wikipedia informs me that traditional Azerbaijani cuisine makes heavy use of lamb, fish, and saffron-covered rice (called plov). Dried fruits and walnuts are often used as well.
So it sounds like you'll want some sort of lamb and fishwich with walnuts. Awesome.
I know one of the offerings on the menu was a sardine sandwich. Is that close enough?
Oh my gosh. Avocado shakes are my favorite. My bro-in-law made me one in 1998 and I've never looked back.
Well then. That's two votes in favor of avocado shakes. I'm still hesitant, but I suppose you can't go too wrong when avocadoes are involved.