…for a good night’s sleep, a long hot shower, and some cake. Maybe some new shoes. My needs are pretty simple these days.
Yesterday was my birthday. It didn’t feel much like a birthday.
That may have something to do with being awakened at four in the morning, getting urinated on mid-diaper change, and then having to change another diaper almost immediately when she pooped in the clean one.
Or maybe it was the exhaustion of trying to “sleep while the baby sleeps” when the baby would only take twenty minute naps and wanted to nurse in between each.
Or maybe it was the screaming and sobbing that resulted from trying to feed her and get her to sleep before dropping her off at grandma’s so David and I could go out to dinner. (Seriously, what was that all about? She never screams like that. It nearly broke my heart.)
Welcome to new motherhood. Where every day is essentially the same, even the best-laid plans are thwarted by the needs of tiny persons, and everyone else gets to eat first.
And also you get to kiss this sweetness as much as you want.Yeah. Totally worth it.
(Incidentally, she did nap long enough for me to take a shower, straighten my hair, AND put on some makeup, which is kind of a rarity these days. Plus she fell asleep ten minutes after we left her at her grandma’s and didn’t wake up until long after we brought her home. David and I had a lovely dinner–and dessert, of course!–at a lovely restaurant. After we put Amelia to bed, he rubbed most of the stubborn knots out of my back and told me he was searching for a pretty dress to buy me. Not a bad birthday, all things considered.)
do you have a bouncy seat or swing? that's the only way I get to shower. Or exercise. Actually, if I put Luke in his swing and start pounding away on the treadmill, he will sleep for about three hours.
(last night at 4 am I honestly considered running just to get him to stay asleep. it made total sense at that point.)
Sadly the swing only works about 50% of the time. The other 50% ends in crying, and not always just for her. But when it does get her to sleep? Oh man. Three hours, at least!
Also, 4 AM is THE WORST time for babies to wake up. Not sure why, but it's always the hardest for me.
Have you heard of the book "Baby Wise"?? I LOVE that book! It's the only thing that got me through with twins. If you follow what it says, you won't be nursing every 20 mins, she will take longer naps, and she will be sleeping through the night by her second month. It's my baby bible.
Good luck!
Thanks for the recommendation, Laurie! I'll have to check that out.
I used Babywise with Isaac and it was AWESOME. I need to reread it again because Luke is killing me.
i use healthy sleep habits, healthy child, but any sleep book would work. it will be your new bff.