Players: Yours truly and an ambiguously foreign woman–older, smallish, blonde, accent I couldn’t place.
Scene: The Container Store in Scottsdale, AZ. I had just returned after retrieving some items from the stockroom for this customer and was beginning to ring her purchases up at the register when the following conversation ensued.
Her: So when is the event?
Me: ?
Her: *eyes my belly suspiciously*
Me: Oh! End of May.
Her: Congratulations. That will be lovely.
Me: We’re very excited.
Her: Is the baby’s father very tall too?
Me: Yes. He’s a few inches taller than me.
Her: Well then your baby will be very tall.
Me: *laughing* You’re probably right.
Her: That’s okay, you know, if it’s a guy. Guys are supposed to be tall.
Me: Too bad, then, because she’s a girl.
Her: Oh. Well. Just don’t feed her too much protein.
Me: ??
Her: During the war, I did not get enough protein to eat, and look at me! I’m quite small. Just don’t feed her too much protein and she will be fine.
Me: *awkward laughing* Okaaaay… Um, have a nice day.
Her: Thank you. You too.
End scene.
Hahaha! Great story. People are so awkward when you're pregnant. I love that she thinks protein intake will completely override genetics. 🙂
We're excited for "the event" too!!
oh man. people are hilarious. 🙂
Adam and I walked into a Dollar Tree the other day and this guy–hat on backwards, goatee and probably 5'5"–said, "Damn, man, your kid is going to be tall!"
We had a good laugh about that.
Awesome. Welcome to the wonderful new world of completely unsolicited child-rearing advice–this is definitely a gem.
Have any random strangers touched your stomach yet? I HATE that. The only people who are allowed to do that to me are my children and my husband. And my sisters, if they ask.
just malnourish your baby…..
so excited for you both!
Old people give the best advice.
Em: I really think we need to continue to refer to it as "the event." Makes it sound almost ominous, which I find hilarious.
Katrina: Yes they are.
LJ: Love it. I always think of witty comebacks when people say stuff like that…like hours after the fact.
Rach: Only a few people at church and a couple coworkers have done it so far. I'm sure it will happen more often as I get bigger. It amuses me more than anything, as does the unsolicited advice. That may change too, though, as the event draws nigh.
Cat: I know, right? I will starve my infant to keep her tiny forever. Sounds like a brilliant plan.
Lydia: And that is why I can't wait to be one.
during the war…first hint to the accent
Of course, but which war? And even if she meant THE WAR (meaning, most likely WWII, though she didn't look quite that old) she could still be from just about anywhere. Trust me…I've tried to pin it down with little luck.
she was a toddler during the war (WWII), but since she's eastern european, she has delicate skin. she emigrated to ellis island with her mother's brother, you know, since her parents were killed. she eventually ended up in arizona, due to old age, but likes to keep young and organized, so she frequents the container store, a store for people of all ages, races, and backgrounds. maybe romanian??
Very funny story. I needed a good laugh.