Last Wednesday I decided I needed to get a Meyer lemon tree. I needed one. It was super important. So important that in spite of the random downpour on Thursday, I packed Mila up and drove to a nearby nursery to inquire about one.
They didn’t have any. Citrus trees, they told me, have been difficult to come by the last couple years.
So we wandered around, touching the drippy plants and admiring the bougainvillea that I will probably never get to have in my yard (insert despondent sigh here), and I finally decided that we couldn’t just leave empty handed. I came for a plant and a plant I would have!
So for the third time in the five years we’ve lived here, I attempted to brighten up our front walk with some flowers.
The first time, I experimented with forcing tulip bulbs by refrigerating them. It worked, but they didn’t last long.
The second time, I stuck some zinnias in the ground because I was so sick and tired of the weeds and saplings that had taken over.
This time, I told the dude at the nursery what conditions I was working with and asked what might actually thrive in that spot. He sent me home with white trailing vinca and something purpley whose name I can’t remember. I planted them Saturday morning.
Here’s hoping third time’s the charm.
have I mentioned that you should be a pro photographer. beautiful picture.